Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.14, No.2, 243-248, April, 2003
Polysilsesquioxane-b-Polycaprolactone의 합성과 특성
Synthesis and Characteristics of Polysilsesquioxane-b-Polycaprolactone
Phenyltrichlorosilane과 phenylenediamine을 preamination, 가수분해, 축합반응시켜 용해성이 우수한 ladder형 polyphenylsilsesquioxane (PPSQ)을 제조하였다. PPSQ에 분자량이 조절된 α, ω-hydroxyl polycaprolactone (PCL) prepolymer를 공중합시켜 분자구조가 제어된 polysilsesquioxane-b-polycaprolactone (PPSQ-b-PCL)공중합체를 제조하였다. PPSQ-b-PCL 공중합체를 ITO glass위에 코오팅하여 박막을 제조하고 고온에서 PCL segment를 소결시켜 기공의 분산성이 우수한 PPSQ의 박막을 제조하여 그 특성을 측정하였다. 이들의 구조 및 열적 특성은 FT-IR, NMR 및 TGA로 확인하였으며 이들 박막의 모폴로지 및 기공의 분산성은 SEM과 AFM으로 측정하였다. 또한 전기적 특성은 MIM (Metal/Insulator/Metal)방식으로 유전율을 측정하였다.
Polyphenylsilsesquioxane-b-polycaprolactone (PPSQ-b-PCl) copolymer, to apply as an interlayer dielectric material, was synthesized from condensation polymerization of α, ω-hydroxyl polycaprolactone (PCL) prepolymer and polyphenylsilsesquioxane (PPSQ). PPSQ was prepared from condensation polymerization of phenyltrichlorosilane and phenylenediamine. PPSQ-b-PCL copolymer was spin-coated on ITO glass and cured in an electric furnace that was equipped with N2 injection port. By curing of the coated material, sphere-shaped pores was obtained by sintering the PCL segment. The structures of PPSQ-b-PCL were confirmed by FT-IR and NMR. Their thermal properties were measured by TGA. Morphology, topography, and dielectric constant, according to the contents of PCL in film, were measured by SEM, AFM, and impedance analyzer.