Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.9, No.3, 248-253, May, 2003
Electroconductometric Determination of Completely Engulfing Maxwell-Type Three-Phase Emulsions
The completely engulfing Maxwell-type morphology of three-phase emulsions was determined by the electrical method in which electrical conductivities of the emulsions were measured at various relative amounts of the equilibrium phases and fit to the conductivity equations of this morphology. The Maxwell-type three-phase emulsions can be regarded as (i) the drops in the form of two-phase emulsions were dispersed in the continuous third phase from the standpoint of the morphology and (ii) the drops of one phase are dispersed in the continuous phase in the form of emulsions composed of the other two phases from the standpoint of the way the three-phase emulsions are prepared. Previously the Maxwell-type morphology could not be determined by the electrical method because the equation for the case (i) was used. However, the conductivities calculated by the equation for the case (ii) were in excellent agreement with the measured ones and the Maxwell-type morphology could be determined. This result implies that electrical conductivity behavior of completely engulfing Maxwell-type three-phase emulsions should be examined on the basis of the way they are formed.
Keywords:three-phase emulsion;electrical conductivity;completely engulfing morphology;Maxwell-type emulsion
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