Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.9, No.3, 323-327, May, 2003
A New CHF Correaltion for Medium Pressure and High Mass Flux Conditions
In this study, a new correlation is developed to predict the critical heat flux (CHF) for upward flow of water in uniformly heated round vertical tubes at the medium pressure and high mass flux conditions. The CHF condition of interest contained CHF data from five published sources and the ranges were as follows: 0.0011 ≤ D (diameter) ≤ 0.0375 m, 0.08 ≤ L (length) ≤ 4.97 m, 5.08 ≤ P (pressure) ≤ 73.43 bar, 2004.51 ≤ G (mass flux) ≤ 18580.35 kg/m(2)s, 0.08 ≤ q(c) (CHF) ≤ 21.42 MW/m(2), and -0.19 ≤ X (exit qualities) ≤ 0.90. The new correlation was developed based on the local hypothesis; it consisted only of local variables, that is, true mass quality(Xt), mass flux, tube diameter, and two parameters as a function of reduced pressure. The prediction made by the new correlation using 1097 data points showed a good agreement with average error of 1.6% and RMS error of 13.5%.
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