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Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.15, No.2, 97-105, June, 2003
Nonlinear response of complex fluids under LAOS (large amplitude oscillatory shear) flow
In the previous paper (Hyun et al., 2002), we have investigated the shape of storage modulus (G’) and loss modulus (G”) of complex fluids under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) flow. As the strain amplitude increases, however, the stress curve becomes distorted and some important information may be smothered during data processing. Thus we need to investigate the stress data more precisely and systematically. In this work, we have obtained the stress data using high performance ADC (analog digital converting) card, and investigated the nonlinear response of complex fluids, 4wt% xanthan gum (XG), 2 wt% PVA/ 1 wt% Borax, and 1 wt% hyaluronic acid (HA) solutions, using Fourier transformation (FT) rheology. Comparing the strain signals in time domain with FT parameters in frequency domain, we could illustrate the sensitivity and importance of FT rheology. Diverse and unique stress patterns were observed depending on the material system as well as flow environment. It was found that they are not the outcome of experimental deficiency like wall slip but characteristics of the material system. When nonlinear response of complex fluids is analyzed, the intensity and phase angle of higher harmonic contributions should be considered together, and the shape of the stress signal was found to be strongly dependent upon phase angle.
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