Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.20, No.5, 855-861, September, 2003
Application of Combined Coagulation-Ultrafiltration Membrane Process for Water Treatment
The objectives of this research are to identify the membrane fouling potential due to different fractions of NOM and correlate the physicochemical properties of NOM and membranes with the adsorption of humic substances on membrane and investigate the mechanism of coagulation affecting UF, and find the optimum conditions of the combined of coagulation with UF membrane filtration for NOM removal. For Nakdong river water, the humic acid fraction was the most reactive precursor fraction for the formation of the ratio of THMFP/DOC (STHMFP) and TOXFP/DOC (STOXFP). The result of adsorption kinetics tests showed that hydrophobic organics adsorbed much more quickly than hydrophilic organics on both membranes. Thus, hydrophobic compounds exhibited a preferential adsorption onto membrane. In case of the effect of membrane properties on the adsorption of organic fractions, the adsorption ratio (Ct/Ce) was greater for the hydrophobic membrane than for the hydrophilic membrane regardless of the kind of organic fractions. For combined coagulation with membrane process, flux reduction rate showed lower than the UF process alone. Also, the rate of flux decline for the hydrophobic membrane was considerably greater than for the hydrophilic membrane. Applying the coagulation process before membrane filtration showed not only reduced membrane fouling, but also improved removal of dissolved organic materials that might otherwise not be removed by the membrane. That is, during the mixing period, substantial changes in particle size distribution occurred under rapid and slow mixing conditions due to the simultaneous formation of microflocs and NOM precipitates. Therefore, combined pretreatment using coagulation (both rapid mixing and slow mixing) improved not only dissolved organic removal efficiency but also DBP (Disinfection By-Product) precursor’s removal efficiency.
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