Applied Chemistry, Vol.7, No.2, 487-490, October, 2003
폐폴리우레탄 폼을 이용한 유출유 흡수: Oil, oil/water, 인공해수조에서의 흡유 특성 분석
Sorption of Spilled Oil Using Waste Polyurethane Foams: Estimate of Sorption Properties in Oil, Oil/water, Artificial Seawater
This study investigates the effectiveness of rigid, semi-rigid, and flexible waste polyurethane foams for oil spills clean up. For the three types of the waste foams used as a sorbent, rigid sandwich panel foam, head rest and high-resiliency seat foam in automotive applications were selected, respectively. And the foam of each type also was synthesized with the recipe based on it. The sorption test of the above foams were performed in different types of petroleum products, diesel, bunker-A, and -C, as a function of temperature, and in the presence and absence of water as well. Reuse-ability of the foam were confirmed through measuring for the change of maximum sorption capacity according toe sorption cycles. Finally, the same experiments were carried out in artificial seawater bath in order to estimate that actual sorption properties in the sea.