Powder Technology, Vol.139, No.3, 200-207, 2004
Transient flow analysis of pulse-jet generating system in ceramic filter
In an experimental set-up of pulse-jet generating system, the instantaneous velocity of pulse-jet from nozzle was measured and the transient flowrate of the pulse-jet nozzle was determined. The influences of reservoir pressure and pulse duration were discussed. The results show that the pulse-jet flowrate increases with the reservoir pressure. The long pulse duration results in an increase of the duration of the pulse-jet and has no influence on the maximum mass flowrate of the pulse-jet.The gas flow from the reservoir was treated as an adiabatic process to calculate the mass consumption of compressed gas per pulse. Based on flow transients theory and thermodynamic relations, a dynamic model was presented for the pulse-generating system consisting of pulse gas reservoir, nozzle, solenoid valve and connecting pipelines. The model was used to simulate the variations of the pulse-jet consumption and the mass flowrate versus time. The modeling results of the mass flowrate agree well with the experimental data. The effects of pulse nozzle diameter, compressed gas reservoir volume, and interconnecting pipeline length on mass flowrate of the pulse-jet cleaning system were analyzed. The results show that the dynamic model can be applied to optimize the design of the pulse cleaning system of industrial ceramic filters. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.