Clean Technology, Vol.8, No.2, 85-92, June, 2002
적니를 이용한 무기응집제의 개발 및 응집성능 평가
Development of the Inorganic Coagulants Using Red Mud and Evaluation of Its Coagulation Performance
적니는 보오크싸이트로부터 수산화알루미늄/알루미나를 제조하는 공정에서 발생되는 부산물이다. 본 연구에서는 적니 10g을 100ml의 5M H2SO4과 85 ℃에서 반응시키거나 100ml의 9 M HCl과 25 ℃에서 반응시켜 무기응집제인 적니응집제를 제조하였다. 이렇게 제조한 적니응집제의 응집성능은 실제폐수에 투입량을 변화시켜 투입한 후 여러 pH 값에 대하여 오염물질 제거효율로써 조사하였고 시판용 무기응집제(FeCl3)의 제거효율과도 비교하였다. 생활하수(탁도, 인)와 도금폐수(탁도, Pb(2+), Cd(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Cr(3+))의 실제폐수를 처리한 결과 적니응집제의 응집성능은 우수하였다. 그리고 적니응집제를 이용한 석유화학폐수중의 COD를 처리한 결과, 제거효율은 다소 낮았으나 시판용 무기응집제보다는 우수하였으며 응집보조제로서 양이온 고분자응집제 첨가시 가장 효과적인 것으로 확인되었다.
Red mud is generated as a by-product during the production of aluminum hydroxide from bauxite ore. In this study the red mud coagulants were prepared by reacting 100 ml of 5 M H2SO4 solution with 10g of red mud at 85 ℃ or by reacting 100ml of 9M HCl solution with 10g of red mud at 25 ℃. The prepared red mud coagulants were tested for their coagulation performance of pollutants in the municipal and industrial wastewater. In addition, the coagulation performance was compared with that of a commercially available coagulant (FeCl3). As a result, the red mud coagulants were found to have a good removal efficiency of pollutants in the municipal wastewater (turbidity, phosphate phosphorus) and in the plating wastewater (turbidity, Pb(2+), Cd(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Cr(3+)). In the experiment to remove COD in the petrochemical wastewater, the COD removal efficiency by the red mud coagulants was a little poor, but it was better than that by FeCl3.
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