Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.21, No.6, 1161-1167, November, 2004
The Treatment of Waste-air Containing Mixed Solvent using a Biofilter: 1. Transient Behavior of Biofilter to Treat Waste-air Containing Ethanol
Transient behavior of a biofilter packed with mixed media (of granular activated carbon and compost) inoculated with a pure culture of Pseudomonas putida was observed at the height of each sampling port to treat wasteair containing ethanol. In addition, flooding effects of an excess supply of buffer solution was observed at each sampling port of the biofilter until it recovered the status prior to the flooding. Unlike previous investigations, various process conditions were applied to successive biofilter runs in order to monitor the corresponding unsteady behavior of the biofilter in this work. In early stage of biofilter run the removal efficiency of ethanol maintained almost 100%. However, it began to decrease when inlet load surpassed 100 g/m3/h consistent with maximum elimination capacity. At the end of biofilter-run removal efficiency was decreased and maintained at 40%. The results of this work were compared to those of such biofiltration studies as the work of Christen et al. from the point of view that pure cultures of microorganism were used in both works. Except for the period of flooding effect of the 2nd stage, the inlet load and removal efficiency continued at 105.5 g/m3/h and 95%, respectively, while they were 93.7 g/m3/h and 95%, respectively, according to the result of Christine et al.. Removal efficiency remained at 90% for the beginning period of 3 days of the 3rd stage, and it gradually decreased to 60% for remaining 5 days of the stage with an inlet load of 158.26 g/m3/h, which may be interpreted as better than the result of Christine et al. Their result was that the removal efficiency on the inlet load of 154 g/m3/h of ethanol was continued to be 60% for 6 days of a separate biofilter run and decreased to 40% later. Thus, with similar inlet loads of ethanol, removal efficiency of this work was equivalent to or higher than that of Christine et al..
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