Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.10, No.5, 864-867, September, 2004
p-Toluenesulfonate Esters of 1,2-Benzenediol as Novel Acid Amplifiers
Aiming at the development of novel aromatic acid amplifiers, 1-hydroxy and 1-p-toluenesulfonyloxy-2-p-toluenesulfonyloxybenzenes were synthesized to generate p-toluenesulfonic acid autocatalytically in the presence of a small amount of the acid evolved from a photoacid generator. These aromatic sulfonates possess excellent thermal stability in ptBMA film and are the first aromatic acid amplifiers that act as photosensitivity enhancers. Of the two compounds, 1-hydroxy-2-p-toluenesulfonyloxybenzene demonstrated the superior photosensitivity improvement. When this compound was coupled with a chemically amplified photoresist system, the photosensitivity was enhanced up to 6-fold.
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