Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.10, No.6, 869-876, November, 2004
Production of Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes from Methane
The decomposition of methane to produce hydrogen and carbon has been investigated experimentally using 15 mol% M/20 mol% NiO/TiO2 catalysts (where M=MnOX, FeO, CoO, and CuO). The physical properties of these catalysts were obtained and their performances were evaluated for the conversion of methane and the CO and hydrogen yields. These catalysts were used in the experiments without any pretreatment. XRD patterns and TEM images of these catalysts show the morphological changes that are due to dopant addition. The results indicate the remarkable influence on the catalytic activity provided by doping. While different types of filamentous carbons are formed on the various Ni-containing catalysts, attractive carbon nanotubes were observed on the Mn/Ni/TiO2-based catalyst. TEM studies on the used catalyst suggest that its stability depends on growth rate and the morphological structure of the formed carbon.
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