Applied Chemistry, Vol.8, No.2, 506-509, October, 2004
이온성 액체를 함유한 고분자 전해질의 전기화학적 특성
Electrochemical Properties of Polymer Electrolytes Containing Ionic Liquids
Ionic liquids have being investigated for many applications including reaction solvent, separation medium, and electrolytes of supercapacitor and solar cell. Since ionic liquids are liquids which are entirely composed of ions, they can have high ionic conductivity. They are also non-volatile and non-flammable, and exist as liquid state over a wide range of temperature compared with organic solvents commercially used. Therefore, when they can be used as electrolytes, it can make more safe battery than commercial one. In this study, a series of ionic liquids was synthesized and ionic liquids were soaked into microporous P(VdF-HFP) membrane, the polymer electrolytes were also prepared. Microporous membrane was prepared by phase inversion method. Their thermal stability was preformed by TGA and their electrochemical properties were evaluated with ionic conductivity, electrochemical stability and cyclic voltammogram.