Applied Chemistry, Vol.8, No.2, 605-608, October, 2004
Corrugator 운전조건이 microflute 골판지의 물성에 미치는 영향
Effects on Properties of Microflute Corrugated Board by Corrugator Operating Conditions
Microflute(M/F) corrugated board is a good Material more thin, low weight, strong and good printing properties than carton board(white board). The M/F corrugated board has the same physical properties as carton boards, but manufacture process is not. During corrugating process, M/F corrugated board is different from a corrugated board not only properties of base paper but also corrugator operating conditions. This study was carried out to investigate the most suitable corrugator operating conditions on effect of the physical properties of M/F corrugated board for manufacturing M/F corrugated board under the same corrugator operating conditions.