Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.11, No.1, 47-54, January, 2005
Effect of Phase Separation between Nitrification and Post-Denitrification on the Active Nitrifier and Denitrifier Contents in Biological Organics and Nitrogen Removal System
A high-strength nitrogen removal system (HNR system), characterized for the phase separation of nitrification and post-denitrification by installation of an inter-settler between the oxic and post-anoxic chambers for enhancement of intrinsic microbial growth environment, was operated in parallel with the Bardenpho system as a reference. Grain distillery wastewater having high concentrations of organics and nitrogen was selected as a feed. The BOD5 removal efficiencies were in the range 97.9~99.7% at an average volumetric loading rate of 0.26 g BOD5/L/d in the HNR and Bardenpho systems. A higher TN removal efficiency (93.1%) in the HNR system was observed when compared with that (86.2%) in the Bardenpho system. In the HNR system, higher ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification efficiencies are achieved by phase separation between nitrification and post-denitrification. The stability of the growth environments for the nitrifier and denitrifier is an important factor for increasing the nitrogen removal performance. The active Nitrosomonas content, estimated by measuring of nitrogenous oxygen uptake rate using a respirometer, in the nitrification chamber of the HNR system was 2.8 ~ 7.2% based on MLVSS, which was higher than that of the Bardenpho system, although the active Nitrobacter contents were similar. The higher contents of nitrifier in the nitrification chamber and denitrifier in the denitrification chamber of the HNR system represent the effect that the phase separation has on improving the intrinsic growth environments.
Keywords:nitrification;denitrification;phase separation;nitrifier and denitrifier content;respirometric mass estimation technique
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