Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vol.113-16, 273-285, 2004
Performance of chloroperoxidase stabilization in mesoporous sol-gel glass using in situ glucose oxidase peroxide generation
A unique mesoporous sol-gel glass possessing a highly ordered porous structure (with three pore sizes of about 50, 150, and 200 A diameter) was used as a support material for immobilization of the enzyme chloroperoxidase (CPO). CPO was bound onto the glass via a bifunctional ligand, trimethoxysilylpropanal. In situ production of the cosubstrate, H2O2, was achieved using glucose oxidase. Solvent stability in acetonitrile mixtures was enhanced when a pore size larger than the size of CPO was used (i.e., 200 A). From these results, it appears that the glass-enzyme complex developed through the present work can be used as high-performance biocatalysts for various chemical-processing applications, particularly in harsh conditions.
Keywords:sol-gel glass;chloroperoxidase;glucose oxidase;acetonitrile;horseradish peroxidase;thermostability