Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Vol.113-16, 781-791, 2004
Two-step preparation for catalyst-free biodiesel fuel production -Hydrolysis and methyl esterification
Biodiesel fuel was prepared by a two-step reaction: hydrolysis and methyl esterification. Hydrolysis was carried out at a subcritical state of water to obtain fatty acids from triglycerides of rapeseed oil, while the methyl esterification of the hydrolyzed products of triglycerides was treated near the supercritical methanol condition to achieve fatty acid methyl esters. Consequently, the two-step preparation was found to convert rapeseed oil to fatty acid methyl esters in considerably shorter reaction time and milder reaction condition than the direct supercritical methanol treatment. The optimum reaction condition in this two-step preparation was 270degreesC and 20 min for hydrolysis and methyl esterification, respectively. Variables affecting the yields in hydrolysis and methyl esterification are discussed.