Rheologica Acta, Vol.43, No.2, 137-145, 2004
An experimental study of flow-induced fiber orientation and concentration distributions in a concentrated suspension flow through a slit channel containing a cylinder
Flow-induced fiber orientation and concentration distributions were measured in a concentrated fiber suspension (CFS) and a dilute one (DFS). The channel has a thin slit geometry containing a circular cylinder. In the previous work, many researchers have qualitatively studied fiber orientation and concentration distributions in injection-molded products of fiber-reinforced plastics. In the present work, however, they are quantitatively estimated by direct observation of fibers in the concentrated suspension flow. For the CFS, some fibers rotate in an expansion part between the channel wall and the circular cylinder, and the fiber orientation becomes almost random state. On the other hand, fibers are perfectly aligned along the flow direction owing to the elongational flow near the centerline downstream of the cylinder. The fiber concentration has a flat distribution except near the channel wall and the centerline. For the DFS a minimum in the fiber concentration distribution was clearly observed on the centerline, and two peaks beside the centerline and near the channel wall. This characteristic distribution is caused by the fiber-wall and fiber-cylinder interactions. It is found that the obstacle such as the circular cylinder in the channel significantly affects the fiber orientation downstream of the obstacle for the CFD, while it affects the fiber concentration distribution for the DFS.