Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.12, No.6, 783-791, 2004
Evidence of dual scale porous mechanisms during fluid migration in hardwood species - (II) - A dual scale computational model to describe the experimental results
The second part of this paper is devoted to the computational modelling of transient water migration in hardwood. During re-saturation, the moisture content, measured during the process by using X-ray attenuation (see part 1 of this paper), increases quickly very close to the cavity, but requires a very-long time for the remaining part of the sample to absorb the moisture in wetting. For this configuration and this material, the macroscopic approach fails. Consequently, a dual-porosity approach is proposed. The computational domain uses a 2-D axisymmetric configuration for which the axial coordinate represents the macroscopic longitudinal direction of the sa pie whereas the radial coordinate allows the slow migration from each active vessel towards the fibre zone to be considered. The latter is a microscopic space variable. The moisture content field evolution depicts clearly the dual scale mechanisms: a very fast longitudinal migration in the vessel followed by a slow migration from the vessel towards the fibre zone. The macroscopic moisture content field resulting from this dual scale mechanism is in quite good agreement with the experimental data.