Macromolecular Research, Vol.13, No.2, 107-113, April, 2005
A Simulation Method for Modeling the Morphology and Characteristics of Electrospun Polymeric Nanowebs
We developed an algorithm to simulate the generation of virtual nanowebs using the Monte Carlo method. To evaluate the pore size of the simulated multi-layered nanoweb, an estimation algorithm was developed using a ghost particle having zero volume and mass. The penetration time of the ghost particle through the virtual nanoweb was dependent on the pore size. By using iterative ghost particle penetrations, we obtained reliable data for the evaluation of the pore size and distribution of the virtual nanowebs. The penetration time increased with increasing number of layers and area ratio, whereas it decreased with increasing fiber diameter. Dimensional analysis showed that the penetration time can be expressed as a function of the fiber diameter, area ratio and number of layers.
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