Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.22, No.3, 441-451, May, 2005
Simulation and Analysis of Extractive Distillation Process in a Valve Tray Column Using the Rate Based Model
Valve trays are becoming popular in the chemical process industries owing to their flexibility to handle a wide range of vapor throughputs. Using the rigorous rate based model, the importance of the non-equilibrium approach is demonstrated for a typical extractive distillation process in a Glitsch V-1 valve tray column. Simulation results based on an in-house developed code indicated that the rate based model predictions for a valve tray column operation showed significant differences relative to the equilibrium model. Even small errors in product purities translated into nonoptimal feed stage locations and inaccurate number of stages required. The counter-intuitive effect of high reflux ratio on separation is explained.
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