Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.109, No.16, 3647-3651, 2005
Stirring-controlled bifurcations in the 1,4-cyclohexanedione-bromate reaction
We report the experimental observation that stirring in a closed 1,4-cyclohexanedione-bromate reaction can induce transitions not only between oscillatory and nonoscillatory states but also between simple and period-doubled oscillations. Notably, the transition from simple to complex oscillations occurs as a result of increasing stirring rate. When illumination was employed to characterize the importance of rnicrofluctuations of concentrations, the threshold stirring rate for inducing a bifurcation was found to increase proportionally to the intensity of the applied light. Numerical simulations with an existing model illustrate that the experimental phenomena could be qualitatively reproduced by considering effects of mixing on diffusion-limited radical reactions, namely, the disproportion reaction of hydroquinone radicals.