Macromolecular Research, Vol.13, No.5, 446-452, October, 2005
Surface Characteristics and Fibroblast Adhesion Behavior of RGD-Immobilized Biodegradable PLLA Films
The interactions between the surface of scaffolds and specific cells play an important role in tissue engineering applications. Some cell adhesive ligand peptides including Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) have been grafted into polymeric scaffolds to improve specific cell attachment. In order to make cell adhesive scaffolds for tissue regeneration, biodegradable nonporous poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) films were prepared by using a solvent casting technique with chloroform. The hydrophobic PLLA films were surface-modified by Argon plasma treatment and in situ direct acrylic acid (AA) grafting to get hydrophilic PLLA-g-PAA. The obtained carboxylic groups of PLLA-g-PAA were coupled with the amine groups of Gly-Arg-Asp-Gly (GRDG, control) and GRGD as a ligand peptide to get PLLAg-GRDG and PLLA-g-GRGD, respectively. The surface properties of the modified PLLA films were examined by various surface analyses. The surface structures of the PLLA films were confirmed by ATR-FTIR and ESCA, whereas the immobilized amounts of the ligand peptides were 138-145 pmol/cm2. The PLLA surfaces were more hydrophilic after AA and/or RGD grafting but their surface morphologies showed still relatively smoothness. Fibroblast adhesion to the PLLA surfaces was improved in the order of PLLA control < PLLA-g-PAA=PLLA-g-GRDG < PLLA-g-GRGD, indicating that PLLA-g-GRGD has the highest cell adhesive property.
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