Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.109, No.21, 4816-4823, 2005
Computational study on the reaction CH2CH2+F -> CH2CHF+H
Previous ab initio studies on reactions involving radical addition to alkenes showed that such reactions are very sensitive to theoretical levels, and thus are difficult to deal with. This motivates us to theoretically reexamine the title reaction thoroughly, which has been studied only at several low levels of theory. In the present work, the geometry optimizations and energy calculations for all species involved in the title reaction were performed at several high levels of theory. The reaction mechanism of the title reaction is discussed at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//CCSD/6-31G(d,p) theoretical level. According to our study, the fluorine addition to ethylene occurs via the formation of a prereaction complex with C-2v symmetry, which is pointed out for the first time. The prereaction complex evolves into a fluoroethyl radical almost without a barrier, with an exothermicity of 41.49 kcal/mol. The fluoroethyl radical can further decompose into a hydrogen atom and fluoroethylene, with an energy release of 10.33 kcal/mol. Besides the direct departure of the hydrogen atom from the fluoroethyl radical, an indirect decomposition pathway may also be open, which has not been reported before. In addition, the formation of a fluoroethyl radical from a separate fluorine atom and ethylene is described pictorially via the molecular intrinsic characteristic contour (MICC) and the electron density mapped on it. Thereby, strong interpolarization and evident electron transfer between the fluorine atom and ethylene are observed as they approach each other. The transition structure for the fluorine addition to ethylene is clearly shown to be reactant-like. This provides new and intuitional insight into the title reaction.