Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.109, No.27, 13255-13262, 2005
Diffusion dynamics of the Li+ ion on a model surface of amorphous carbon: A direct molecular orbital dynamics study
Diffusion processes of the Li+ ion on a model surface of amorphous carbon (Li+C96H24 system) have been investigated by means of the direct molecular orbital (MO) dynamics method at the semiempirical AMI level. The total energy and energy gradient on the full-dimensional AMI potential energy surface were calculated at each time step in the dynamics calculation. The optimized structure, where Li+ is located in the center of the cluster, was used as the initial structure at time zero. The dynamics calculation was carried out in the temperature range 100-1000 K. The calculations showed that the Li+ ion vibrates around the equilibrium point below 200 K, while the Li+ ion moves on the surface above 250 K. At intermediate temperatures (300 K < T < 400 K), the ion moves on the surface and falls in the edge regions of the cluster. At higher temperatures (600 K < T), the Li+ ion transfers freely on the surface and edge regions. The diffusion pathway of the Li+ ion was discussed on the basis of theoretical results.