Desalination, Vol.187, No.1-3, 347-360, 2006
Mekorot's research activity in technological improvements for the production of unrestricted irrigation quality effluents
Israel is a country situated in a semi-arid zone with insufficient natural water resources. Due to the excessive abstraction as compared to water availability, some of the seashore aquifers have been depleted and there is a danger of excessive salinity in the aquifers. Wastewater effluent reuse and desalination have become the main alternative sources of water to compensate for the future water shortage. The main reuse activity in Israel is agricultural irrigation (65% of the connected sewage in Israel is reused for this purpose), while most technological efforts are spent for the improvement of unrestricted irrigation quality water. This paper presents the recent years' research activity, in Mekorot National Water Co., in tertiary effluent treatment and effluent desalination in order to achieve high quality water suitable for unrestricted agricultural reuse as well as for public park irrigation, industrial reuse and aquifer salinity reduction..