Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.297, No.1, 226-234, 2006
Modification of active and porous sublayers of aged polyamide/polysulfone composite membranes due to HNO3 treatment: Effect of treatment time
Changes in electrical and transport parameters for aged composite polyamide/polysulfone membrane samples (PAC) and their porous support layers (PSU) as a result of chemical treatment (immersion in 1 M HNO3 solution) at four different times (12 h <= t <= 72 h) have been obtained. Salt permeability, ion transport number, and membrane electrical resistance for the treated samples were determined from salt diffusion, membrane potential, and impedance spectroscopy measurements, which were carried out with the membranes in contact with NaCl solutions at different concentrations and compared with those determined for fresh and aged nontreated samples. Results show the strong effect of aging on membrane parameters, particularly the decrease in salt permeability (Ps) and the increase in membrane electrical resistance (R-m) while ion transport number is hardly affected by aging, chemical treatment, or treatment time. Results show how the compaction of the porous structure causes by aging (dried membrane matrix structure) can be partially reduced by HNO3 treatment, and they also allow the estimation of 24-h treatment as the optimum time (higher salt permeability and lower membrane electrical resistance), mainly for the polysulfone support layer. The use of equivalent circuits in the analysis of impedance spectroscopy data allows separate estimation of the electrical resistance associated with each sublayer of the composite PAC membrane samples. On the other hand. chemical changes in the active top layer of the PAC membrane (polyamide active layer) were obtained from XPS analysis, which show some modifications in the atomic concentration percentages of the polyamide characteristic elements as a result of acidic treatment time, which are more significant after 72-h acidic immersion. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.