Langmuir, Vol.22, No.8, 3818-3822, 2006
Hybrid microgels with reversibly changeable multiple brilliant color
We report reversibly color changeable hybrid microgels that tune multiple brilliant colors due to interparticle interactions of SPR using several structured nanoparticles. The interparticle interactions were brought out using the thermosensitive swelling/deswelling property of microgel. We employ N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) copolymerized microgels (NG microgels) as templates for in Situ synthesis of Au nanoparticles. The seed Au nanoparticles could be stably grown by Successive reduction of Au and Ag in the microgels. Interestingly, the hybrid microgels were able to exhibit multiple brilliant colors by attaching Au/Ag multiple core/shell bimetallic nanoparticles in the microgels, and the color change reversibility of each hybrid microgel was accomplished by adjusting the nanoparticles' sizes. Obtained microgels shown in this study will find important applications such as in biomedical and electronic devices.