Polymer(Korea), Vol.30, No.3, 210-216, May, 2006
Hydrazine 첨착 흡착제의 제조 및 담배 주류연 중 카보닐 화합물의 선택 흡착 특성
Preparation of Hydrazine Impregnated Adsorbents and Selective Adsorption Properties for Carbonyl Compounds in Cigarette Mainstream Smoke
담배 주류연 중 카보닐 화합물의 선택적 감소를 위한 필터 물질을 제조하기 위하여 하이드라존 반응에 있어서 촉진제로 사용되는 과염소산과 인산을 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine(2,4-DNPH)와 dansylhydrazine (DAH)과 함께 각각의 흡착제에 첨착시켰다. 제조된 첨착 흡착제의 구조는 FTIR/ATR을 이용하여 확인하였으며 SEM을 이용하여 표면을 관찰하였다. 또한 첨착 시간과 촉진제 그리고 첨착 시약에 따른 첨착량과 담배 주류연 중 카보닐 화합물의 흡착특성을 조사하였다. 첨착량은 첨착 시간에 따라 증가되었으며 2.4-DNPH를 첨착한 흡착제의 경우 다른 흡착제에 비해 카보닐 화합물의 제거 효율이 우수하였다. 또한 폴리아크릴계 흡착제에 2,4- DNPH를 첨착시킬 경우 다른 기재의 흡착제에 비해 우수한 제거 효율을 나타내었는데 이러한 결과들로부터 궐련 필터로의 적용 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다.
To use the filter materials for selective removal of carbonyl compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke, hydrazine such as 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) and dansylhydrazine (DAH) impregnated adsorbents were prepared with perchloric acid or phosphoric acid as an accelerator in hydrazone formation reaction. Changes of molecular structure and morphology of adsorbents in various of impregnator were investigated by FTIR/ATR and SEM. Impregnation amount caused by reaction time, acid type and impregnation reagent, and the adsorption properties of carbonyl compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke were studied. Amounts of impregnation increased with increasing reaction time. The removal amount for vapor phase carbonyl compounds by 2,4-DNPH impregnated adsorbent was higher than that of dansylhydrazine impregnated adsorbent. The selectivity of 2,4-DNPH impregnated polyacrylic type adsorbent was superior to those of other adsorbents. This result indicates that the 2,4-DNPH impregnated polyacrylic adsorbent is applicable to cigarette filter material because of its fast reactivity and porosity.
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