Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.23, No.3, 447-454, May, 2006
An extension of the group contribution method for estimating thermodynamic and transport properties. Part IV. Noble gas mixtures with polyatomic gases
Earlier work on the group contribution method applied to Kihara potentials is extended to noble-polyatomic gas mixtures for the calculation of second virial cross coefficients, mixture viscosities and binary diffusion coefficients of dilute gas state using a single set of gas group parameters. Previously estimated parameter values for pure gas groups by our work [Oh, 2005; Oh and Sim, 2002; Oh and Park, 2005] were used. Assuming that noble-polyatomic gas mixtures examined are chemically dissimilar, a group binary interaction coefficient, kij, gc, was assigned to each interaction between noble-polyatomic gas groups, and 25 group binary interaction parameter values (kHe-H2, gc, kHe-N2, gc, kHe-CO, gc, kHe-CO2, gc, kHe-O2, gc, kHe-NO, gc, kHe-N2O, gc; kNe-H2, gc, kNe-N2, gc, kNe-CO, gc, kNe-CO2, gc, kNe-O2, gc; kAr-H2, gc, kAr-N2, gc; kAr-CO, gc, kAr-CO2, gc, kKr-O2, gc; kKr-H2, gc, kKr-N2, gc, kKr-CO, gc, kAr-CO2, gc; kXe-H2, gc, kXe-N2, gc, kXe-CO, gc, kXe-CO2, gc) were determined by fitting second virial cross coefficients data. Application of the model shows that second virial cross coefficient data are represented with good results comparable to values predicted by means of the corresponding states correlation. Reliability of the model for mixture viscosity predictions is proved by comparison with the Lucas method. And prediction results of binary diffusion coefficients
are in excellent agreement with literature data and compared well with values obtained by means of the Fuller method. Improvements of the group contribution model are observed when group binary interaction coefficients are adopted for mixture property predictions.
Keywords:Theory;Group Contribution;Kihara Potential;Noble Gas;Polyatomic Gas;Second Virial Coefficient;Viscosity;Diffusivity
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