Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.44, No.4, 387-392, August, 2006
카테콜의 선택적 합성을 위한 (Fe, Co)/Zeolites 촉매상에서 페놀의 수산화 반응
Hydroxylation of Phenol over (Fe, Co)/Zeolite Catalysts for the Selective Synthesis of Catechol
이온 교환법으로 (Fe, Co)/NaY, (Fe, Co)/NaBeta (Fe, Co)/HUSY 등 (Fe, Co)/zeolite 촉매를 제조하였으며, 카테콜을 합성하는 과산화수소에 의한 페놀의 수산화 반응에서 이들의 촉매 성능을 조사하였다. (Fe, Co)/NaBeta 촉매에서는 반응온도가 70 °C, 페놀/과산화수소(몰) 비가 3, 페놀/촉매(무게) 비가 50, 용매(물)/페놀(무게) 비가 6인 조건에서 페놀의 전환율은 22%, 수산화 반응에 대한 선택도는 77%, 카테콜에 대한 선택도는 70%, 카테콜/하이드로퀴논의 생성비는 2.5로 가장 좋은 반응 결과를 얻었다. (Fe, Co)/zeolite 촉매는 재생하여 반복 사용해도 성능이 저하되지 않았다. 반응 전후의 (Fe, Co)/zeolite 촉매를 XRD, UV-VIS DRS, XPS 등으로 조사하여, 이를 근거로 촉매 반응 결과를 해석하였다.
(Fe, Co)/zeolite catalysts such as (Fe, Co)/NaY, (Fe, Co)/NaBeta and (Fe, Co)/HUSY were prepared by ion-exchange method and their catalytic performance was examined in the hydroxylation of phenol with H2O2 for the production of catechol. The (Fe, Co)/NaBeta catalyst showed its best performance at reaction temperature=70 °C, molar ratio of phenol/H2O2=3, weight ratio of phenol/catalyst=50 and weight ratio of solvent (water)/phenol=6 as 20% of phenol conversion, 77% of the selectivity for the hydroxylation, 70% of the selectivity for catechol, and 2.5 of the formation ratio of catechol/hydroquinone. The (Fe, Co)/zeolite catalysts showed the reproducible activities without deactivation after repeated regeneration. The fresh and used(Fe, Co)/zeolites were characterized by XRD, UV-VIS DRS, and XPS and their catalytic performance was discussed based on these characterization results.
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