Applied Chemistry, Vol.10, No.1, 109-112, May, 2006
소결금속 베어링유의 제조 및 특성 평가
A Preparation and Characterizations of the sintered metal composite bearing oil
Preparation and characterizations of the high thermal, oxidation stability, low temperature fluidity, low and high terperature lubricant characterizations, prevention of ash formation, corrosion, rust, prebention of decoloration and minimization of heat loss, maximum of viscosity index ware shown in the sintered metal composite bearing oil. Mixture of polyalcohol-mono basic acid, monoalcohol-polylcohol monobasic acid, poly basic acid-ester used as main materral product shows high lubrication than poly-α-olefine or mineral oil. To improve thermal and oxidation stability, use of metal inert material, deoxidant and functional improvement additives is proposed.