Applied Chemistry, Vol.10, No.1, 141-145, May, 2006
고하전된 단분산성 Poly(Styrene/Sodium Styrene Sulfonate) 입자를 이용한 3-Aminopropyl Trimethoxysilane으로 개질된 유리기질에서의 초고밀도(Hyperdense) 무정방격자(Square Lattice-Free) 콜로이드 크리스탈
Hyperdense and Square Lattice-Free Colloid Crystals of Highly-Charged Monodisperse Poly(Styrene/Sodium Styrene Sulfonate) Particles with 3-Aminopropyl Trimethoxysilane-Modified Glass Substrate
2- and 3-dimensional colloid arrays were fabricated using highly-charged and monodisperse Poly(Styrene/Sodium Styrene Sulfonate) particles with 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane (APTMS)-modified glass substrate. The colloid arrays were formed under natural convection drying at room temperature. The 3-dimensional arrays on the APTMS-modified glass substrate showed denser packing pattern with no crevices, as compared with that of cleaned bare glass substrate. Hyperdesne and square lattice-free array can be explained by a stronger capillary force due to the hydrated and hairy surfaces at the water miniscus, and which leaded to substantial particle deformation and hexagonal close packing.