Applied Chemistry, Vol.10, No.2, 705-708, November, 2006
Gamma ray와 H2O2를 이용한 활성슬러지의 가용화와 생분해도의 증대
Enhancement of Biodegradation and Solubilization of Waste Activated Sludge by Gamma ray and H2O2
In order to decompose the refractory structure of waste activated sludge (WAS) and increase its biodegradability, H2O2 pre-treatment and Gamma ray treatment were used in this study. Solubilization efficiency was increased from 4% to 17% based on the SCOD/TCOD ratio. The highest biodegradability could be obtained when the sludge was treated with both Gamma ray and H2O2 simultaneously. Biodegradability of the pre-treated sludge showed linear relationship with the solubilization efficiency.