IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.51, No.6, 938-948, 2006
Reachability and control synthesis for piecewise-affine hybrid systems on simplices
In this paper, we consider the synthesis of control laws for piecewise-affine hybrid systems on simplices. The construction is based on the solution to the control-to-facet problem at the continuous level, and on dynamic programming at the discrete level. The construction is given as an explicit algorithm using only linear algebra and reach-set computations for automata; no numerical integration is required. The method is conservative, in that it may fail to find a control law where one exists, but one cannot hope for a sharp algorithm for control synthesis since reachability for piecewise-affine hybrid systems is undecidable.
Keywords:discrete-event system (DES);exit facet;piecewise-affine hybrid systems;reachability;simplex;stability