International Journal of Control, Vol.79, No.12, 1601-1612, 2006
Rational stabilising commutative controllers: parameterisation and characterisation of degrees of freedom
The Characteristic Locus Method constitutes a generalisation of the classical frequency response approach and as such provides a natural platform for design aimed at meeting specifications such as closed-loop stability and dynamic performance. However, to overcome problems of sensitivity to uncertainty, it is necessary to precondition the plant transfer function matrix ( TFM) with the view to improving the orthogonality of the eigenvector functions. All that remains then is to use controllers which adjust the frequency response of the eigenfunctions of the TFM while leaving the eigenvectors unaltered. This implies the need for commutative controllers which may be irrational and may not be internally stabilising. The present paper gives a complete characterisation of the class of stabilising rational commutative controllers and derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of this class. These ideas are illustrated by means of case study in which the degrees of freedom contained within the class of commutative controllers are deployed for the meeting design specifications on dynamic performance as well as tolerance to uncertainty.