Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.302, No.1, 32-39, 2006
Interfacial and foaming properties of sulfydryl-modified bovine beta-lactoglobulin
The effects of a control blocking of free cystein by N-ethylmaleimide on the interfacial behavior (kinetics of adsorption at the air/water interface, theology of the interfacial layer) as well as on the foaming properties (density, stability) of beta-lactoglobulin were investigated. Compared to native beta-lactoglobulin (unmodified beta-lactoglobulin), sulfydryl-modified beta-lactoglobulin exhibited higher surface hydrophobicity, adsorbed faster at the air/water interface, had the capability to develop rapidly an interfacial layer with high shear elastic constant but exhibited a considerably lower shear elastic constant plateau value. Moreover, suifydryl-modified beta-lactoglobulin exhibited better foaming properties especially regarding the short-term foam stability suggesting that the initial rheology of the interfacial film is at least as much important for the general mechanism of foam stabilization as the potential viscoelasticity the interfacial film could reach on aging. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords:beta-lactoglobulin;protein conformation;adsorption;surface load;surface pressure;interfacial rheology;foaming properties