Electrochimica Acta, Vol.52, No.5, 2009-2017, 2007
Theoretical approach to cell-impedance-controlled lithium transport through Li1-delta Mn2O4 film electrode with partially inactive fractal surface by analyses of potentiostatic current transient and linear sweep voltammogram
Lithium transport through the partially inactive fractal Li1-delta Mn2O4 film electrode under the cell-impedance-controlled constraint was theoretically investigated by using the kinetic Monte Carlo method based upon random walk approach. Under the cell-impedance-controlled constraint, all the potentiostatic current transients calculated from the totally active and partially inactive fractal electrodes hardly exhibited the generalised Cottrell behaviour and they were significantly affected in shape by the interfacial charge-transfer kinetics. In the case of the linear sweep voltammogrant determined from the totally active and partially inactive fractal electrodes, all the power dependence of the peak current on the scan rate above the characteristic scan rate deviated from the generalised Randles-Sevcik behaviour. From the analyses of the current transients and the linear sweep voltammograms simulated with various values of the simulation parameters, it was further recognised that the cell-impedance-controlled lithium transport through the partially inactive fractal Li1-delta Mn2O4 film electrode strongly deviates from the generalised diffusion-controlled transport behaviour of the electrode with the totally active surface, which is attributed to the impeded interfacial charge-transfer kinetics governed by the surface inhomogeneities including the fractal dimension of the surface and the surface coverage by active sites and by the kinetic parameters including the internal cell resistance. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.