Applied Chemistry, Vol.11, No.2, 341-344, November, 2007
담즙산이 결합된 키토산 올리고당 나노입자의 제조 및 파클리탁셀 전달체로의 응용
Charaterization and preparation of Paclitaxel-loaded bile acid graft Chitosan Oligosccharide Nanoparitcles
To developed chitosan based Paclitaxel carrier, chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) were chemically modified with hydrophoic group of Bile acid (Deoxycholic acid and Lithochcholic acid.) The physicocheical properties of the Bile acid conjugated COSs (CDs, CLs) were inverstigated by using 1H-NMR. Dynamic light scattering and Spectrofluorophotomerer. CBs nanoparticles were prepared by dialysis method. Paclitaxel-loaded CBs nanoparticles (CBs-Tex) were investigated by 1H-NMR. Dynamic light scattering measurements. The CBs-Tex was investigated to pharmaceutical application as a paclitaxel carrier.