Applied Chemistry, Vol.11, No.2, 558-561, November, 2007
감마선 조사에 의한 축산폐수의 성상 변화
Property changes of livestock wastewater by gamma ray irradiation
In this study, gamma ray irradiation was used to treat livestock wastewater treatment. At 50kGy, maximum dose of gamma ray, TS and TSS were reduced 2% and 38%. SCOD and TCOD also were reduced 10% and 9%. T-N, NH3-N and NO3-N were decreased, but NO2-N was increased about 74%. It is considered that NH3-N and NO3-N were convert to NO2-N, because NO2-N will be able to convert to N2 gas easily. From these results. We can expect that gamma ray irradiation is useful in applying biological treatment process of livestock wastewater.