Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.111, No.23, 6383-6390, 2007
Control of the fixed charge distribution in an ion-exchange membrane via diffusion and the reaction rate of the monomer
The fixed charge distribution of the ion-exchange membranes was controlled by introducing ion-exchangeable groups onto the glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)-g-polypropylene (PP) membranes. The membranes were prepared by plasma-induced graft polymerization with uniform or nonuniform graft distributions over the cross section. The effects of reaction conditions on the graft distribution in plasma-induced graft polymerization were investigated to obtain the GMA-g-PP membranes with different graft distributions. The examined reaction conditions were plasma power, gas pressure of the plasma, solvent, concentration of the monomer solution, and reaction temperature. The graft distribution of the membranes was directly observed by a microscopic Fourier transform infrared mapping method and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Also, the graft distribution was correlated with the relative magnitude of the reaction rate to the diffusion rate, which may determine the grafting yield as a function of the distance from the surface. A high rate of diffusion compared to the reaction rate resulted in a more uniform graft distribution. Among the grafting conditions, control of the reaction temperature was found to be the most effective for selectively preparing both uniform and nonuniform graft distribution. Uniform graft distribution was achieved when the reaction was conducted at 1 degrees C because of the relatively rapid diffusion and the slow reaction of the monomer, while nonuniform graft distribution occurred at higher reaction temperatures. Consequently, uniformly and nonuniformly charged cation-exchange membranes were prepared through sulfonation of the corresponding GMA-g-PP membranes at temperatures of 1 and 40 degrees C, respectively.