Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.372, No.3-4, 455-463, 2003
FSO+ and FSO2+ ions from ionised sulfur oxyfluorides: a computational investigation on the structure, stability, and thermochemistry
Singlet and triplet F-S-O+, F-O-S+, F-S(O)-O+, and FO-SO+ isomers have been investigated at the Coupled Cluster, G2, and G3 theoretical levels. At the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//CCSD/cc-pVDZ, the F-S-O+ isomer 1S (S-1') and the F-S(O)-O+ isomer 3S ((1)A(1)) resulted the global minima on the singlet surfaces, more stable than the corresponding triplet by approximate to64 and 47 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The G2 and G3 estimates of the enthalpies of formation of the various singlet and triplet FSO+ and FSO2+ isomers allow to identify the species observed from the photon and electron ionization of the simplest sulfur oxyfluorides as the ions 1S and 3S. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.