Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol.71, No.8, 795-807, 1999
Possible approaches to the prediction of residence time distributions
Although the experimental determination of residence time distributions is based on a black-box method, the signal shape also permits certain conclusions to be drawn about the internal conditions. However, if it is to provide a sole basis for elucidating process steps in a plant this method is soon overtaxed. A deeper theoretical penetration of the pertinent transport processes opens up the way ahead. However, since residence time distributions are based on mass-oriented considerations, substantial advances in fluid mechanics, where location-based considerations predominate, have not led to improved predictive capability Yet the computer power now available offers a variety of ways of calculating residence-time distributions for a known flow profile, thus permitting a step in the direction of better predictability of residence time distributions. This article presents utilisable methods and evaluates them with regard to their demands on time and effort and their predictive power. Problems arising in connection with the models are discussed.