Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.76, No.2-3, 193-216, 2000
Liners for waste containment constructed with class F and C fly ashes
Hydraulic conductivity of a Class F fly ash containing residual organic carbon was evaluated in this study using laboratory and field tests. Compacted specimens of the Class F fly ash mixed with various materials (sand, Class C fly ash, and bottom ash) were prepared in the laboratory at various water contents and different compactive efforts. Hydraulic conductivity of the compacted specimens was measured using flexible-wall permeameters. A test pad was constructed to determine whether a low hydraulic conductivity liner could be constructed with Class F fly ash mixtures. Scaled double-ring infiltrometers and two-stage borehole permeameters were used to measure the field hydraulic conductivity of the test pad. Specimens were also removed from the test pad for hydraulic conductivity testing in the laboratory, Results of the study showed that mixtures of Class F and Class C fly ashes: along with coarse aggregate can be compacted to hydraulic conductivities needed for landfill liners provided compaction is wet of optimum water content, The field tests showed that constructing a fly ash liner with hydraulic conductivities similar to those found in the laboratory is challenging, and requires careful attention to factors that result in cracks and permeable interlift regions that result in high field hydraulic conductivity, Leachate collected from the base of the test pad also showed that metal leaching must be considered when designing a liner with fly ash,
Keywords:fly ash;hydraulic conductivity;liner;reactive barrier;waste containment;beneficial re-use;industrial by-product