Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.90, No.2, 189-204, 2002
Adsorptive removal of direct azo dye from aqueous phase onto coal based sorbents: a kinetic and mechanistic study
This communication presents the results pertaining to the investigation conducted on color removal of trisazo direct dye, C.I.Direct Brown 1:1 by adsorption onto coal based sorbents viz. charfines, lignite coal, bituminous coal and comparing results with activated carbon (Filtrasorb-400). The kinetic sorption data indicated the sorption capacity of the different coal based sorbents. The sorption interaction of direct dye on to coal based sorbents obeys first-order irreversible rate equation and activated carbon fits with the first-order reversible rate equation. Intraparticle diffusion studies revealed the dye sorption interaction was complex and intraparticle diffusion was not only the rate limiting step. Isothermal data fit well with the rearranged Langmuir adsorption model. R-L factor revealed the favorable nature of the isotherm of the dye-coal system. Neutral solution pH yielded maximum dye color removal. Desorption and interruption studies further indicated that the coal based sorbents facilitated chemisorption in the process of dye sorption while, activated carbon resulted in physisorption interaction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords:adsorption;direct azo dye;coal based sorbents;kinetics study;first-order rate reaction;intraparticle diffusion;Langmuir isotherm;chemisorption and physisorption