Applied Surface Science, Vol.252, No.9, 3098-3105, 2006
First positron experiments at NEPOMUC
The in-pile positron source NEutron induced POsitron source MUniCh (NEPOMUC) of the new Munich research reactor FRM-II is now operated at the nominal reactor power of 20 MW. Recently, intensity and positron beam profile measurements were performed at 30 eV and I keV, respectively. For this purpose, NaI-scintillators detect the 511 keV gamma-radiation of positrons that annihilate at a removable target in the beam line. The beam profile is determined with a micro-channel plate detector and a CCD-camera. In the present arrangement of NEPOMUC's instrumentation the positron beam is connected to a coincident Doppler broadening (CDB) facility and to a positron induced Auger electron spectroscopy (PAES) analysis chamber. First experiments were carried out in order to show the performance of these new spectrometers. An overview of the positron beam facility is given and first experimental results of PAES are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.