Biomacromolecules, Vol.7, No.4, 1311-1317, 2006
Characterization of aggregate structure in mercerized cellulose/LiCl center dot DMAc solution using light scattering and rheological measurements
The structure of a semidilute solution of mercerized cellulose (CC1m) in 8% (w/w) LiCI-DMAc, which contained some aggregates, was investigated using static and dynamic light scattering measurements. The static scattering function of the polymer solution containing a small amount of aggregates can be separated into fast- and slow-mode components by combining static and dynamic light scattering measurements. The osmotic modulus was identical for the fast-mode component of the CC1m solutions and the native cellulose (CC1) solutions, in which cellulose is dispersed molecularly. This indicates that the molecularly dispersed component of the CC1m solutions has an identical conformation with the cellulose molecules in the CC1 solutions. The correlation length was also identical for the fast-mode components of CC1m solutions and the CC1 solutions, indicating that these solutions have the same mesh size of the polymer entanglement. These observations for the fast-mode components are consistent with the concentration dependence of the zero shear rate viscosity and the plateau modulus estimated in the rheological measurements. The slow-mode component, on the other hand, gave information on the aggregate structure in the CC1m solution. The radius of gyration of the aggregate structure estimated from the slow-mode component was about 70 nm, which is independent of the concentration of the solution. The plots for particle scattering factor of the slow-mode component lay between the theoretical curve of a sphere and a Gaussian chain, implying that the structure of the aggregate in the CC1m solution is like a multiarm polymer. A characteristic time of the slow-mode component calculated with the translational diffusion coefficient and the radius of gyration were almost identical with the relaxation time of the long-time relaxation observed in the rheological measurements. This indicates that the long-time relaxation of CC1m solutions originates in the translational diffusion of the aggregate structure in the solution.