Electrophoresis, Vol.21, No.10, 2062-2066, 2000
Solid-state UV laser-induced fluorescence detection in capillary electrophoresis
Two solid-state UV lasers were applied to the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection of various groups of compounds after separation by capillary electrophoresis. These lasers are thermoelectric-cooled, highly compact, and inexpensive. Such lasers provide few mW of quasi-continuous wave (CW) power which are sufficient and stable for LIF detection. Native fluorescence detection of tryptophan-containing proteins and peptides and related indoles was achieved at the nM level with the laser operating at 266 nm. Detection of fluorescamine-labeled amino acids and peptides was also possible at the nu level with the laser operating at 355 nm. Amino acids at a concentration as low as 10 ng/mL could be labeled with fluorescamine. Solid-state UV-LIF detection of the tryptic digest of cytochrome c after fluorescamine derivatization was demonstrated.