Electrophoresis, Vol.27, No.9, 1725-1731, 2006
Intramolecular controls for the generation of clinical-quality SNP genotypes and the assessment of normal heterozygote imbalance
We present an inventive method that generates intramolecular controls for SNP analysis, termed Mirror SNPs. Using the ovine diseases of callipyge and scrapie as examples, we describe the PCR-driven production of balanced heterozygote copies of the various SNPs implicated in these diseases. In the absence of a callipyge-positive control DNA, we generated a balanced heterozygote Mirror SNP that represents both the wild-type and mutant forms of the causal polymorphism. Simultaneous analysis of this artificial Mirror SNP and the Real (target) SNP was used to prove the absence of the mutant form of the nucleotide at the Real SNP position in tested samples. Scrapie susceptibility was assessed using a PCR-driven system which generated four separate Mirror SNPs, and these enabled the confirmation of an apparent departure from 'balanced' heterozygote appearance at Real SNPs tested. Mirror SNP technology is generic and will enable the accurate assessment of rare and medically important SNP variants, more accurate frequency determinations, and the potential assessment of SNPs in 'mixed template' samples common in forensic analyses.