Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.14, No.6, 595-604, 2004
Photopatternable reflective films produced by nanolayer extrusion
Novel patternable, light reflecting multilayerpolymer films are presented. The investigated elements comprise 1024 nanolayers of two different, transparent polymers in strictly alternating fashion. Polymers with different refractive indices were employed and the individual layer thickness was controlled between 50 and 100 nm as a result the investigated films exhibit pronounced optical interference effects. Different photoreactive additives were integrated into the multilayer films rendering the optical charachteristics of these elements munable. One approach relied on the use of photoreactive bends of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and up to 25 wt % of trans cinnamic acid (CA) or trans-methyl-cinnamate (MC). Upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, CA and MC undergo dimerization through 2+2 cycloaddition leading to a significant decrease of the blends refractive index. As a result, the refectivity of the multilayer films based on these photoreactive blends changes considerably upon photoreaction. The second approach was based on the use of blends of PMMA and 2+2 benzoyl(phenyl)benzaxole (BzPO) a "caged" photoluminescent dye. This benzoyl ester of 2+2 hydroxyphenol benzaxole (HBBO) is not photoluminiscint HPBO is quantitatively restored. Thus, using conventional photolithographic techniques reflective multilayer films were patterned with photoluminescent designs.