Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.18, No.6, 612-617, December, 2007
음식물류폐기물 직매립금지가 매립지 가스 및 침출수 특성에 미치는 영향
Effect of Food Waste Direct Landfilling Prohibition on Characteristics of Landfill Gas and Leachate
본 연구는 음식물류폐기물의 직매립 금지가 매립지가스, 악취 및 침출수 발생에 미치는 영향을 평가하고 현행 제도의 타당성을 평가하기 위하여 실시하였다. 음식물류폐기물을 각각 약 45% (Exp.45)와 약 15% (Exp.15)를 충전한 2개의 매립모형조를 비교하였다. 570일 동안 매립지가스 발생량은 Exp.45가 1400 L로 Exp.15의 906 L보다 많았다. 매립가스 조성은 두 반응기 모두 메탄과 이산화탄소가 1 : 1 정도로 발생되어 큰 차이는 없었다. 황화수소는 Exp.15와 Exp.45에서 각각 2∼7 ppmv과 2∼30 ppmv가 발생하였다. 침출수량에는 큰 차이가 없었으나 BOD5가 Exp.45는 37000 mg/L, Exp.15는 25630 mg/L를 나타내었고 CODCr도 각각 45480 mg/L와 30294 mg/L를 나타내었다. TOC의 농도도 운전기간 동안 Exp.45가 Exp.15보다 2∼3배 정도 높았다. 음식물류폐기물 함량이 높은 폐기물 매립은 가스발생량을 증가시켰지만 악취발생 및 침출수 수질 악화 등 환경적 악영향을 더 많이 유발하였기 때문에 현행 음식물류폐기물의 분리배출 및 직매립 금지조치는 적절한 것으로 평가되었다.
This research was performed to evaluate the effect of ‘Food Wastes (FW) Direct Landfilling Prohibition’ on characteristics of landfill gas (LFG) and leachate and the appropriateness of current legislation. Approximately 45% (Exp.45) and 15% (Exp.15) of FW were filled in two lysimeters. During 570 days, 1400 L of LFG was generated from Exp.45%, which was much more than 906 L of Exp.15. There was no significant difference of LFG composition between Exp.15 and Exp.45. 2∼30 ppmv of odorous hydrogen sulfide was detected in Exp.45, while 2∼7 ppmv was in Exp.15. There was also no significant difference in the leachate generation between the two. On day 570, BOD5 of Exp.45 and Exp.15 were 37000 mg/Land 25630 mg/L and CODCr of Exp.45 and Exp.15 were 45480 mg/L, 30294 mg/L. TOC of Exp.45 was 2∼3 times higher than Exp.15. Higher portion of FW in landfilling increased LFG generation. However, it generated more odor and made the quality of leachate. Therefore, ‘FW direct Landfilling Prohibition’ was evaluated as an appropriate legislation.
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